Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My 1st ClAss..:D

During my !st class for ds sem(Media Literacy), I have done smtg dt really humiliating n can be classified s n speakable action..
We have 2 discuss in group about d kind of media dt interest us during our young age, teenagers, n now..
During d discussion, I mention About Ben10..U guyz know wt Ben10 truly is right??
Yes dts correct, Ben10 is a huge dinosaur dts still exist till 2day..He2x..
Just checking..:D
Okay, after I mention ds, one of my group member( an Australian guy with kind n innocent face) start to converse with me about dt particular cartoon. Dn(ds is d embarrassing part), I just want to said that unlike other cartoon (like conan n doraemon who stay young forever) Ben already grow up n become a high school student but guess wt I stay instead???
I said dt in Malaysia we have Ben10 d adult version...
Bcoz im so embarress, I stop taling immediately n pay my full attention to my shoes dt I think at dt time is d most beautiful n facinating thing I ever lay eye upon...
Dt guy just look at my face with puzzle expression. I know dt d right thing 2 do is correct my mistake by said sorry n explain wt i really try to convey but my pride stop me from doing just dt...

So after ds if drs some Australian guy come to Malaysia n search for Ben10 adult version
, u know where dy got d newz from...:D

Pic at d left is d pic dt i take during dt class n b4 dt humiliating incidnt tk place..:D

MaRKet Day..

ToDay Market Day haVe OpeN A New ChaPter Of My Life..
2day i try to rock climbing n d experience is murderous.. Bcoz i do it twice without stopping, my wrist muscle start to stretch and during d 2nd time, my leg start 2 shake just like wn people get electric shock..
Nx aftr dt, I tried d freebies(I think dt is d name) n wn it stop spinning, I feel like vomiting..
Because of all that, Alia n Me go Straight 2 our home n pass out..
Nevrdless, I think I will still go to d qut CLIFFHANGERS OPEN DAY ds 27 of Feb...:D